One Mission Pension To All


Chhatrapati Square Nagpur




Dr. Vikas Mahatme

Liquor Control


Health and Safety

Implementing measures to ensure the safety of consumers, such as restrictions on serving intoxicated individuals and providing resources for responsible drinking.


Education and Awareness

Promoting public awareness campaigns and educational initiatives to inform individuals about the potential risks of excessive alcohol consumption and encourage responsible behavior

Community Engagement

Involving local communities, health organizations, and advocacy groups in shaping liquor control policies to address specific regional needs and concerns.

how it works

Liquor Control Policy

On behalf of the Forum on Liquor Control, a new concept of ‘Liquor control
policy’ is being proposed. We demand that the state government should
adopt this policy and fulfill its guardianship towards the people.

A ‘Liquor control policy’ is not a demand to put a ban on alcohol.
This suggests a ‘Liquor control policy’ to help our people get rid
of this vicious and life-threatening addiction without banning alcohol.
Here are some suggestions on how to use it:

Liquor control enforces alcohol regulations to promote responsible consumption and public safety.

Statement 1

The recent Cabinet decision allowing liquor sales in malls and shops spanning 1000 square feet must be reconsidered and revoked.

Statement 2

Allocating 50% of the liquor sale proceeds toward rehabilitating addicts, aiding the widows of those who succumbed to alcohol addiction, empowering them, supporting treatment for injuries caused by accidents involving intoxicated individuals, and investing in counseling for people with an addiction is imperative.

Statement 3

Measures should be implemented to curb liquor promotion, limiting gatherings for alcohol consumption to no more than five individuals, whether at home or in bars. For larger groups in bars, separate rooms or cabins should be utilized.

Statement 4

There should be no provision for discounts or freebies in selling liquor through any company.

Statement 5

Discount initiatives, such as a 20% reduction on two bottles or a 50% discount on Rs 3000 worth of groceries or other items, as well as ‘Happy Hour’ promotions in hotels, should be discontinued.

Statement 6

Liquor manufacturing companies must allocate their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds exclusively for liquor control initiatives

Statement 7

 Alcohol consumption in public gatherings like parties, weddings, conferences, workshops, and company meetings should be strictly prohibited.

Statement 8

Alcohol sales should strictly adhere to a minimum age limit of 21 years.

Statement 9

Confiscated liquor owned by the government should be repurposed for fuel or similar use rather than disposal.

Statement 10

Such policies will pave the way for a conducive environment for future generations, discouraging habits like alcohol consumption.